For tougher veggies like collard greens, it can be very helpful to massage the leaves and remove the stems first. Filled with Vitamins A and C, bok choy is a flavorful mixer for your bearded dragon’s salad. On the other hand, if your beardie is dehydrated or doesn't have access to water for some reason it is great to feed these lettuces. They are also rich in Vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber and folate. The following is a list of greens that bearded dragons can eat on a daily basis. In the wild, bearded dragons wouldn’t eat greens that are cooked, so feeding them raw greens helps keep things closer to their natural environment. Keep it natural. To make things simpler for you, we’ve got two lists for you here: a list of some of the best greens bearded dragons can eat on a daily basis, and a list of greens they can eat a little less frequently. This desert delicacy is high in calcium and rich in antioxidants, fiber, and Vitamin C. To serve it, carefully slice away the outer thorned coating and cut the inner flesh into small pieces. It’s pretty much nothing but water. ratio), Kale (contains 13 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 2.4:1 calcium to phos. Adult dragons will also eat pinky mice, baby lizards and anything else they find tasty. We know how much you love your Dragon and we want to make it easy to show how much you care. Turnip Greens: Very high in Calcium. We’ve highlighted some perks and pitfalls for each green, and included each calcium to phosphorus ratio for your reference. Feeding your Dragon live Dubia Roaches makes mealtime an experience they’ll be looking forward to each day. They are primarily made of water and if large amounts of these lettuces are eaten your bearded dragon will most likely have diarrhea. A nice tasty treat for your bearded dragon could be a piece of peeled apple, a grape, or raspberry. Chop up some alfalfa sprouts and watch your bearded dragon dive in after them. It’s free of fertilizer, pesticides, and chemicals that could harm your bearded dragon. As a Dragon Keeper, you know greens are very important for your bearded dragon! One of the best greens bearded dragons can eat, kale is dense with Vitamins A, C, and K, potassium, manganese, magnesium, and calcium. They contain 115mg of calcium per 100g which is why they are considered to be one of the best greens for bearded dragons. The best vegetables for bearded dragons to eat are as follows; Collard greens – They can eat them daily as a regular part of their diet. Bearded dragons will eat most greens and veggies raw, but if the vegetables are too hard, you may want to consider cooking them so they’re soft enough for your beardie to eat (just be sure the food is room temperature before offer it to your beardie). Chop or slice the greens to make sure they are small enough for your bearded dragon to chew. For instance, Swiss Chard contains 645 mg of oxalates per 100 grams of leaf matter, Mustard Greens contain 7.7 mg of oxalates per 100 grams of leaf matter. The best greens for bearded dragons are the most nutrient dense. The following factors play an important role in determining what greens bearded dragons can eat and how often: If a leafy green vegetable is nutrient dense, high in calcium, and low in phosphorus, oxalates, and goitrogens, it’s a winner. Keep it small. Shop Now, DUE TO USPS COVID-19 DELAYS , ORDERS MAY TAKE 2-7 Business Days to be Delivered, To make things simpler for you, we’ve got. Read our, What Dark, Leafy Greens You Can Feed Your Bearded Dragon, What to Do If Your Bearded Dragon Won't Eat These Greens, The 9 Best Bearded Dragon Supplies of 2021, How to Stop Glass Surfing in Bearded Dragons, The 13 Best Christmas Gifts for Your Dog in 2021, What to Do If Your Bearded Dragon Lays Eggs, The 8 Best Dog Toothpastes of 2021, According to a Veterinarian. Grapes, bananas, apples, strawberries, watermelon and blueberries. ratio), Chicory (has a 2.1:1 calcium to phos. Bearded Dragons can eat a wide range of live food such as crickets, mealworms and kingworms; vegetables such as sweet potato and pepper and leafy greens such as kale and parsley . Bearded Dragon Guru is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Size of chopped vegetables should depend on the age of your bearded dragon, but finely chopped pieces are always the best. Kale is another excellent source of calcium for bearded dragons, although there have been reports that kale offers harmful substances to beardies. Feeding these foods regularly can increase the risk of Metabolic Bone Disease and other issues. ratio), Dandelion Greens (contains 24.6 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 2.8:1 calcium to phos. How do you know which greens are good for them, and which aren’t? Organic produce is the best for your bearded dragon. They contain 141 mg of calcium content and great decent calcium to oxalate ratio. An adult bearded dragon’s diet should be 80% insects and 20% plant matter. They tend to do best on a varied diet based primarily of vegetables. However, there are other good ones like Zoo Med Eco Earth Loose Coconut Fiber, Zilla Ground English Walnut Shells Desert Blends, and Zoo Med Excavator Clay Burrowing Substrate. Dragons can and should eat their greens raw. But in the world of vegetables, there are so many greens. Stringy greens like kale can get lodged in the throat, so be sure to chop them extra small. The bearded dragon is a well-known lizard currently considered one of the best pet lizards. Pea sprouts have a lot of phosphorus, but they also offer Vitamins A and K. So in small quantities, pea sprouts are healthy greens for your bearded dragon. Many bearded dragons develop preferences for certain greens and become picky when it comes time to eat. Beside Collard greens is a great source of … Zilla Reptile Terrarium Bedding Substrate Liner is the best substrate for bearded dragons. 5 Great Vegetables for Bearded Dragons Bearded dragons are by far the most popular pet lizards for beginner keepers. Greens with a lot of calcium are a vital part of your pet’s diet. If you have questions or feedback, please email us at. Bearded dragons need to eat heavy amount of greens. Too many goitrogens can cause thyroid problems in bearded dragons. In the wild, bearded dragons wouldn’t eat greens that are cooked, so feeding them raw greens helps keep things closer to their natural environment. Many bearded dragons find the peppery taste of mustard greens irresistible. Best Greens for Bearded Dragons Choosing the best and safest vegetables for bearded dragons can be a big challenge sometimes especially if you are a beginner. They also have balanced calcium to phosphorus ratio. However, it also offers fiber, protein, Vitamins B6 and C, potassium, and folate, all of which your bearded dragon needs. Learn how to create a happy, healthy home for your pet. Play it safe and dish up those greens fresh, clean, chopped, and raw. Best Vegetables For Bearded Dragons: Peas; Green beans; Courgette; Butternut squash; Sweet potato; Bell pepper; Ocra; Broccoli (small bits weekly) Kale; Collards They have many benefits as they are jam-packed with various beneficial nutrients, including vitamin K and calcium. Yellow squash is rich in minerals and should be incorporated with other vegetables for bearded dragon so that there … 2. Even more irresistible is the fact that they are rich in calcium along with Vitamins A, C, and K. Serve them with collard greens to offset the moderate amount of oxalates and goitrogens. Best diet for a bearded dragon - 2484 Views 4.6 / 5 ( 9 votes ) While a majority of homeowners like to keep dogs, birds, cats, rabbits, and other animals as pets, others prefer to have bearded dragons. Greens such as kale, arugula, mustard greens, collard greens, and endive. Spaghetti squash is the squash that is packed with core nutrients and thus is the best squash to feed the bearded dragon regularly. Bearded Dragon Care. In terms of the best vegetables… you’re going to want to offer dark leafy greens like collard, endive, dandelion, and the like. Bearded dragon pellets are not recommended as a staple food but are okay to offer alongside the greens and other foods that are more natural than pellets. Dandelion leaves do contain a moderate level of oxalates, so serve them with collard greens, prickly pear, or another green that is high in calcium. ratio), Beet Greens (contains 610 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 3:1 calcium to phos. Beet greens and spinach are high in oxalic acid (oxalates), which is a calcium-binding agent that limits the absorption of calcium. Bearded dragons are omnivorous and will eat both insects and vegetables. They have a great personality, they don’t get too large and they are normally easy to keep and easy to handle which makes them a great first choice. Plus, cooking does remove some of the nutrients, and in some foods this makes the oxalates more prominent. Adult bearded dragons need a variety of dark, leafy greens to eat on a daily basis. ... wat is the best food for bearded dragons? By mixing up what you give your lizard, you can make sure you are feeding him a balanced diet. Some people have had luck with adding in some colored bearded dragon pelleted food from the pet store. This is because they help to provide vitamins and minerals that their body needs to survive. High in fiber and antioxidants with a delicious citrus flavor, lemongrass has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that will help your dragon fight illness. These pets should have plants at … Make sure you chop this veggie extra small to eliminate any possibility of your dragon choking on the stringy stalk. Bearded … Some of the best leafy greens to give them are arugula, carrot tops, mustard greens, watercress, kale, and swiss chard. Set aside some basil for your bearded dragon. See reviews for the best 11 substrates for bearded dragon tanks, including sand mats, alfalfa … These whitish-green sprouts can be found in many supermarkets and salad bars. Making pesto? Mustard Greens: Excellent choice for greens. If you buy produce that isn’t organic, just remember to thoroughly wash it before serving it. Green Beans Adrienne Kruzer, RVT, has worked with a variety of animals for over 15 years, including birds of prey, reptiles, and small mammals. Although green cabbage is goitrogenic, this crunchy salad mixer contains Vitamin C, fiber, calcium, iron, and potassium, all of which are great for your dragon’s health. I’ve been a beardie owner for 9 years, and I’ve read four different books on keeping them. Collard greens are 6% carbohydrate, 3% protein. Squeeze air out of bag. Like phosphorus, oxalates interfere with calcium absorption. It’s free of fertilizer, pesticides, and chemicals that could harm your bearded dragon. If they are well looked after, with a good diet and proper environment, bearded dragons are reasonably hardy animals. Kale is low in oxalates and is somewhat goitrogenic, which prevents this green from being a daily staple. Juvenile bearded dragons – In case yours are Increase the vegetable amounts to 40% and while reducing the amount of animal food source to 60%. They may only want what isn't good for them, but that doesn't mean that's what they should live off of. i am going to get some food for my bearded dragon and i would like to know wat is the best food for them. ratio), Collard Greens (contains 74 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 14.5:1 calcium to phos. When dealing with a finicky eater, continue to offer a variety of greens mixed up as a salad. The best vegetables you can feed them are romaine lettuce, mustard greens, and dandelion greens. Bearded Dragon Guru also participates in affiliate programs with Clickbank, ShareASale, and other sites. The red color often draws his attention to his salad and may entice him to eat. Rich in calcium and Vitamin A, these common yard weeds are actually an excellent addition to your bearded dragon’s salad, as long as they are pesticide-free. Different greens have different vitamin and calcium contents. This food list will make it easy for you to see the nutrition for the foods that you can and cannot offer to your bearded dragon. Keep it raw. Kale is low in oxalates and is somewhat goitrogenic, which prevents this green from being a daily staple. Dragons can and should eat their greens raw. This fragrant herb is high in calcium and fiber, making it an excellent way to spice up your dragon’s meal. This veggie is a great part of beardies’ staple salad. You can feed mustard greens as a regular diet. In addition to a variety of greens, your bearded dragon should get plenty of gut-loaded crickets and other insects, some fruits, and vegetables such as squash and bell peppers.. Best staple vegetables, greens and fruits for bearded dragons To feed your bearded dragon any vegetables, you must chop them to smaller pieces before offering. High in calcium, but somewhat high in goitrogens. Do not feed these vegetables: Stringy greens like kale can get lodged in the throat, so be sure to chop them extra small. Though beardies can eat a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, and bugs, there are a few you should avoid. Squash of all kinds: Acorn squash, butternut squash, yellow squash, and spaghetti squash. Whether you serve up the crunchy, bitter heart or the dark, curly leaves, endive and escarole both add texture and nutrients to your bearded dragon’s salad, particularly calcium. These greens offer a variety of textures and flavors, allowing you to make each salad an exciting treat for your dragon. Give them greens, including vegetables, only 3-4 times in a week. Bearded Dragons - Diseases. A good source of calcium, Vitamins A and C, and fiber, napa cabbage will give your dragon’s salad a refreshing crunch. Endive (escarole) (has a 1.9:1 calcium to phos. Chop or slice the greens to make sure they are small enough for your bearded dragon to chew. The majority of the greens that you offer should have a higher calcium to phosphorous ratio, to prevent and correct metabolic bone disease. Other greens include: Greens that contain low amounts of oxalates and bind calcium should be offered in small amounts and not excluded entirely from the diet: Greens that contain high amounts of oxalates and bind calcium should only be offered on a rare occasion and in very small amounts (if at all). One look at the stunning calcium to phosphorus ratio tells us collard greens are a great source of calcium for your bearded dragon. What it all comes down to is creating a happy and healthy life for your pets and ours. Vegetables should still make up a much higher percentage of their diet than fruit. It’s also goitrogenic, which is why this veggie doesn’t quite make the list of daily greens. Just make sure that you feed the plant and not the sprouts. The amount of each that you feed will vary depending on the age of your pet. ratio), Parsley (contains 100 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 2.4:1 calcium to phos. They do contain a moderate amount of oxalates, so dish them up with other greens that are even more calcium-dense. for you here: a list of some of the best greens bearded dragons can eat on a daily basis, and a list of greens they can eat a little less frequently. Iceberg lettuce is bad. ratio), Spring Mix (romaine, oak leaf lettuce, endive, chicory), Mustard Greens (contains 7.7 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens), Watercress (contains 10 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 2:1 calcium to phos. In captivity, beardies run the risk of calcium and vitamin D deficiencies. High in protein, Vitamin A, and that all-important mineral calcium, grape leaves can really amplify the health benefits of your dragon’s salad. To ensure you provide your bearded dragon with vegetables and greens on a daily basis, owners are now turning to frozen vegetables instead of fresh ones. Aside from the calcium and the stunning calcium to phosphorus ratio, this vegetable has a good taste and crunchiness that bearded dragons love. High in Vitamins A, C, and K, calcium, and manganese, but also high in oxalates, watercress makes a great occasional salad mixer for your dragon. Ignore people who tell you lettuce is bad, first off. Chicago Exotics Animal Hospital, 2020. Cut into larger pieces or strips. In addition to some crickets and other insects, these greens provide the vitamins and minerals they need to stay strong and healthy. Greens and vegetables are an important part of a bearded dragons diet and without them, your bearded dragons would likely suffer from illness and other serious issues. Kale is called “superfood” for a reason. If your beardie normally eats insects with no problems, try adding them to the salad to get his attention. They are highly nutritious and most bearded dragons gobble them up like nothing else. If you buy produce that isn’t organic, just remember to thoroughly wash it before serving it. Collard greens can be a stable leafy green vegetable to feed bearded dragons. ratio), Spinach (contains 600-750 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 2:1 calcium to phos. Play it safe and dish up those greens fresh, clean, chopped, and raw. How Many Dubia Roaches to Feed a Bearded Dragon. As part of the cabbage family, it’s no surprise that kohlrabi is goitrogenic. For tougher veggies like collard greens, it can be very helpful to massage the leaves and remove the stems first. Baby beardie – For baby breaded dragons, feed them 80% live foods such as crickets and some grubs and only 20% veggies. We’ve highlighted some perks and pitfalls for each green, and included each calcium to phosphorus ratio for your reference. Bearded dragon food consists of fruits, veggies, and insects. So what are the best vegetables for bearded dragons? Plant matter can take the form of greens, vegetables and fruit. What are the Best Fruits for Bearded Dragons? This anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial herb packs Vitamin A and antioxidants in each fragrant leaf. Alfalfa sprouts are a great vegetable to feed your bearded dragon. Read more details about the best fruits, vegetables, and salads for bearded dragons. Now that you know what greens to feed your bearded dragons, here are some tips for serving them! Adult bearded dragons need a variety of dark, leafy greens to eat on a daily basis. In addition to some crickets and other insects, these greens provide the vitamins and minerals they need to stay strong and healthy. If you have questions or feedback, please email us at [email protected]. Oddly enough, grape leaves are actually excellent greens bearded dragons can eat. Mustard greens are one of the safe foods for bearded dragons. Baby bearded dragons 3 months old and younger should consume 10-20 Dubias three times a day until they’re 4 months old. Collard greens are good for the health and overall growth of your bearded dragon. The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. The alfalfa plant is one of the best greens for bearded dragons. They should be feed very seldom, if at all. Pro-tip: While getting your bearded dragon to eat its greens is the best-case scenario, it still may not get all of the vitamins it needs for a healthy life. The following is a list of greens that don’t quite make the daily list due to phosphorus, oxalates, or goitrogens, but they offer many benefits and can be eaten weekly or every other week, depending on what else is on your dragon's feeding schedule. Some people recommend avoiding them all together: Romaine, iceberg, red, and green lettuces should only be offered in small amounts (yes, spring mix contains some of these). The clear winner here is….Mustard Greens. They can also eat fruit. If that doesn't work, you can also try adding small amounts of red fruits such as red raspberries or strawberries as "sprinkles" on top of the salad. Bearded dragons should eat a variety of different dark, leafy green vegetables. The smaller the reptile the more finely chopped. Organic produce is the best for your bearded dragon. On top of that it’s stacked with other valuable nutritions for your beardie. Aside from being flavorful, cilantro contains antioxidants, calcium, potassium, manganese, and Vitamins A, C, and K. In addition, it has antimicrobial properties. Finely chop, shred or discard stems. Help them feel a little more like the predator they were born to be. It’s best to avoid them all together just to be safe. Celery and its bushy leaves are a great way to get antioxidants, Vitamin C, and hydration into your bearded dragon’s salad. Spinach is another of the leafy green vegetables for bearded dragons that many would think should be a staple option. Full Bearded Dragon Food Chart – Best Staples and More In this post, you will find the full bearded dragon food chart – staple, occasional and prohibited foods for your bearded dragon. A diet high in oxalates can cause metabolic bone disease. Plus, cooking does remove some of the nutrients, and in some foods this makes the oxalates more prominent. Collard greens, dandelion greens and kale. What greens can bearded dragons eat? Avocados and lightening bugs, for instance, are toxic. Adding a dusting of calcium powder to your dragon's salad a few times a week is also a good idea to make sure he is getting adequate amounts of the important mineral. It has a peppery taste and has a great calcium content with plenty of nutritional value. No nutritional values there. ratio). Delight Your Reptile with Our Premium Dubia Roaches! Known for their near-spicy flavor, turnip greens are rich in calcium and Vitamins A and C. On the downside, they contain a high amount of oxalates, but the health benefits outweigh the risks if you serve turnip greens with oxalate-free, calcium-rich greens. They are not very picky eaters. ratio), Escarole (contains 31 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens), Swiss Chard (contains 645 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 1.1:1 calcium to phos. Store cut, dried pieces in plastic storage bag with other greens wrapped in paper towels. Bearded dragons should eat a variety of different dark, leafy green vegetables. Different greens have different vitamin and calcium contents. Vegetables Bearded dragons will need their greens chopped up. By mixing up what you give your lizard, you can ma… One of the best greens bearded dragons can eat, kale is dense with Vitamins A, C, and K, potassium, manganese, magnesium, and calcium. Bearded dragons need calcium to grow and thrive. Fresh cilantro is practically the perfect salad topper for your bearded dragon (without the oxalates, it probably would be perfect!). , try adding them to the salad to get his attention to his and. Develop preferences for certain greens and spinach are high in oxalic acid ( oxalates ), collard greens, salads!! ) likely have diarrhea jam-packed with various beneficial nutrients, including peer-reviewed studies, to the! The pet store their body needs to survive best squash to feed bearded... Feeding your dragon ’ s salad enough for your bearded dragon could be piece! Is because they help to provide vitamins and minerals they need to stay and. Live Dubia Roaches makes mealtime an experience they ’ re 4 months old comes to! 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