[194], Across the nation, "drys" crusaded in the name of religion for the prohibition of alcohol. Robert M. Utley, and Wilcomb E. Washburn. This site provides a digitized copy of his diary during the month of October 1862 when he served as an illustrator for Harper’s Weekly and with the Union Troops. In 1869, the First Transcontinental Railroad opened up the far-west mining and ranching regions. Note: The manufacturing figures for the 1850s and 1870s are approximations based on averaging numbers from the Weeks and Aldrich reports from Table 1. In the 1870 census, there were 63,000 Chinese men (with a few women) in the entire U.S.; this number grew to 106,000 in 1880. [86] Historian Howard Zinn argues that the U.S. government was acting exactly as Karl Marx described capitalist states: "pretending neutrality to maintain order, but serving the interests of the rich". Historian Howard Zinn argues that this disparity along with precarious working and living conditions for the working classes prompted the rise of populist, anarchist, and socialist movements. The main goal was control of working conditions and settling which rival union was in control. They saw the Democratic party as their best protection from the moralism of the pietists, and especially from the threat of prohibition. From 1869 to 1879, the U.S. economy grew at a rate of 6.8% for NNP (GDP minus capital depreciation) and 4.5% for NNP per capita. The Gilded Age is no exception to this controversy. [177] Heavy industry was a male domain, but in light industries such as textiles and food processing, large numbers of young women were hired. [113] The network of Catholic institutions provided high status, but low-paying lifetime careers to sisters and nuns in parochial schools, hospitals, orphanages and convents. [196], All the major denominations sponsored growing missionary activities inside the United States and around the world. The union defied federal court orders to stop blocking the mail trains, so President Cleveland used the U.S. Army to get the trains moving again. Europe, especially Britain, remained the financial center of the world until 1914, yet the United States' growth caused foreigners to ask, as British author W. T. Stead wrote in 1901, "What is the secret of American success? Larger cities had much more complex transportation needs. The AFL was a coalition of unions, each based on strong local chapters; the AFL coordinated their work in cities and prevented jurisdictional battles. The largest and most notorious political machine was Tammany Hall in New York City, led by Boss Tweed.[85]. [104], Prohibition debates and referendums heated up politics in most states over a period of decades, as national prohibition was finally passed in 1919 (and repealed in 1933), serving as a major issue between the wet Democrats and the dry GOP. [96] The Democrats, often led by Irish Catholics, had a base among Catholics, poorer farmers, and traditional party-members. Reading and Transcribing Original Documents, https://kwlibguides.lonestar.edu/PrimarySources-History, Colonial America/American Revolution/Early Republic, Antietam National Battlefield Letters and Diaries of Soldiers and Civilians, The Civil War: Soldiers and Sailors Database from the National Park Service, The Civil War: Women and the Homefront: Digitized Materials from Duke University: Diaries and Letters, Civil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877) from the National Archives, Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877 from the Library of Congress, Civil War Maps from the Library of Congress, Civil War on the Western Border: The Missouri-Kansas Conflict 1854-1865, Civil War Primary Sources (American Battlefields Trust), Ulysses S. Grant Collection from Mississippi State University, The Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War. Religious lines were sharply drawn. [111], In political terms, the Irish Catholics comprised a major element in the leadership of the urban Democratic machines across the country. Transcription of letters and diaries of soldiers who witnessed the Battle of Antietam. The European Americans strongly disliked the Chinese for their alien life-styles and threat of low wages. In economic terms, Irish Catholics were nearly at the bottom in the 1850s. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. They lasted several years, with high urban unemployment, low incomes for farmers, low profits for business, slow overall growth, and reduced immigration. Often the WCTU women took up the issue of women's suffrage which had lain dormant since the Seneca Falls Convention. The "Gilded Age" term came into use in the 1920s and 1930s and was derived from writer Mark Twain's and Charles Dudley Warner's 1873 novel The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today, which satirized an era of serious social problems masked by a thin gold gilding. [41] Rural America became one giant market, as wholesalers bought the consumer products produced by the factories in the East, and shipped them to local merchants in small stores nationwide. Joining Spencer was Yale professor William Graham Sumner whose book What Social Classes Owe to Each Other (1884) argued that assistance to the poor actually weakens their ability to survive in society. He compared wages and the standard of living in Pittsburgh with Birmingham, England, one of the richest industrial cities of Europe. By 1880, the buffalo herds, a foundation for the hunting economy had disappeared. In most large Northern cities, the Irish Catholic women dominated the market for servants. Chinese people were unwelcome in urban neighborhoods, so they resettled in the "Chinatown" districts of large cities. [151] During the early years of settlement, farm women played an integral role in assuring family survival by working outdoors. Promoted … Mill towns, narrowly focused on textile production or cigarette manufacture, began opening in the Piedmont region especially in the Carolinas. Identify primary and secondary sources 2. ", De Santis, Vincent P. "The Gilded Age In American History", Rodgers, Daniel T. "Capitalism and Politics in the Progressive Era and in Ours.". Historians Gary Cross and Rick Szostak argue: The engineers became model citizens, bringing their can-do spirit and their systematic work effort to all phases of the economy as well as local and national government. 1. Spurred by the Panic of 1873, the Grange soon grew to 20,000 chapters and 1.5 million members. Local merchants and shippers supported the demand and got some "Granger Laws" passed. Widows and deserted wives often operated boarding houses. The text provides a balanced approach to U.S. history, considering the people, events, and ideas that have shaped the United States from both the top down (politics, economics, diplomacy) and bottom up (eyewitness accounts, lived experience). Lillian Schlissel, Byrd Gibbens and Elizabeth Hampsten, Riney-Kehrberg takes a middle position in. Shipping live animals was slow and expensive. Reformers wanted to give as many Native Americans as possible the opportunity to own and operate their own farms and ranches, so the issue was how to give individual natives land owned by the tribe. The corporation became the dominant form of business organization, and a scientific management revolution transformed business operations. Thousands of young unmarried Irish and French Canadian women worked in Northeastern textile mills. [152], Although the eastern image of farm life on the prairies emphasizes the isolation of the lonely farmer and the bleakness of farm life, in reality rural folk created a rich social life for themselves. The numerous religious denominations were growing in membership and wealth, with Catholicism becoming the largest. Such corruption was so commonplace that in 1868 the New York state legislature legalized such bribery. With leaders like Susan B. Anthony, the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) was formed to secure the right of women to vote. Electric power delivery spread rapidly across Gilded Age cities. We'll track players' scores … Collection features documents that focus on education, psychology, sociology, religion, science and technology. Organized by election. These lessons form a standalone high school history curriculum. [108], In terms of immigration, after 1880 the old immigration of Germans, British, Irish, and Scandinavians slackened off. [155][156] However other historians offer a grim portrait of loneliness, privation, abuse, and demanding physical labor from an early age. Materials include: Official Records, Addresses & Speeches, Acts, Bills, & Orders, Military Correspondence & Documents, Personal Correspondence & Narratives, Prints & Photos, and Maps. [191][192] (see Third Party System), The Awakening in numerous cities in 1858 was interrupted by the American Civil War. The AFL worked to control the local labor market, thereby empowering its locals to obtain higher wages and more control over hiring. The farther west the settlers went, the more dependent they became on the monopolistic railroads to move their goods to market, and the more inclined they were to protest, as in the Populist movement of the 1890s. "[98][99], Overall, Republican and Democratic political platforms remained remarkably constant during the years before 1900. If you are a K–12 educator or student, registration is free and simple and grants you exclusive access to all of our online content, including primary sources, essays, videos, and more. New groupings emerged, such as the Holiness movement and Nazarene movements, Theosophy and Christian Science. [125], Along with the mechanical improvements which greatly increased yield per unit area, the amount of land under cultivation grew rapidly throughout the second half of the century, as the railroads opened up new areas of the West for settlement. Gompers repudiated socialism and abandoned the violent nature of the earlier unions. Kerosene replaced whale oil and candles for lighting homes. Both favored business interests. In Cohoes, New York, mill women went on strike in 1882 to gain union recognition. According to historian Henry Adams the system of railroads needed: The impact can be examined through five aspects: shipping, finance, management, careers, and popular reaction. [112] Although they were only a third of the total Catholic population, the Irish also dominated the Catholic Church, producing most of the bishops, college presidents, and leaders of charitable organizations. Some of them were prosperous farmers who had the cash to buy land and tools in the Plains states especially. Transcript of Platt Amendment (1903) Treaty of Paris 1898 . With London and Paris as models, Washington laid 400,000 square yards of asphalt paving by 1882, and served as a model for Buffalo, Philadelphia, and elsewhere. He argued that at war's end society showed confusion and unsettlement as well as a hurried aggressive growth on the other. [19] They systematized the roles of middle managers and set up explicit career tracks. • Gilded Age • America Becomes a World Power • Progressive Era • World War I • 1920s • Great Depression • World War II • Post-War Era • 1960s • Vietnam War • 1970-2000 • The 21st Century [59] In terms of property, the wealthiest 1% owned 51%, while the bottom 44% claimed 1.1%. Alfred D. Chandler and Stephen Salsbury. Millions of acres were opened to settlement once the railroad was nearby, and provided a long-distance outlet for wheat, cattle and hogs that reached all the way to Europe. Although there were small country churches everywhere, there were only a few dilapidated elementary schools. Its beginning, in the years after the American Civil War, overlaps the Reconstruction Era (which ended in 1877). A few Midwestern states passed "Granger Laws", limiting railroad and warehouse fees. IX. [176], Many young women worked as servants or in shops and factories until marriage, then typically became full-time housewives. "Rum" stood for the liquor interests and the tavernkeepers, in contrast to the GOP, which had a strong dry element. [1] Economic historian Clarence D. Long estimates that (in terms of constant 1914 dollars), the average annual incomes of all American non-farm employees rose from $375 in 1870 to $395 in 1880, $519 in 1890 and $573 in 1900, a gain of 53% in 30 years. [115], Historians analyze the causes of immigration in terms of push factors (pushing people out of the homeland) and pull factors (pulling them to America). Historians have cast Huntington as the state's most despicable villain. According to Shergold the American advantage grew over time from 1890 to 1914, and the perceived higher American wage led to a heavy steady flow of skilled workers from Britain to industrial America. Native Americans lived in the Americas for thousands of years until the arrival of Christopher Columbus which started the European colonization of the Americas. [87] Historian Mark Wahlgren Summers calls it, "The Era of Good Stealings," noting how machine politicians used "padded expenses, lucrative contracts, outright embezzlements, and illegal bond issues." William Graham Sumner on Social Darwnism (ca.1880s) William Graham Sumner, a sociologist at Yale University, penned several pieces associated with the philosophy of Social Darwinism. Both the number of unskilled and skilled workers increased, as their wage rates grew. The dominant issues were cultural (especially regarding prohibition, education, and ethnic or racial groups) and economic (tariffs and money supply). [118] Labor unions, led by Samuel Gompers strongly opposed the presence of Chinese labor. [163] The Gilded Age was pivotal in establishing the New York Art world in the international art market. Images of primary sources pertaining to the Civil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877) from the National Archives. By the end of the century, American cities boasted 30 million square yards of asphalt paving, followed by brick construction. There may also be secondary sources included in these collections and it is up to the student to evaluate if the item qualifies as a primary or secondary source. Provides statistics, images, maps, church records, newspaper articles, letters, diaries, governement records, and more, focusing in two communities during the Civil War (one Northern, one Southern). [137] In 1890, a third of Chicago's 2000 miles of streets were paved, chiefly with wooden blocks, which gave better traction than mud. The Social Gospel movement gained its force from the Awakening, as did the worldwide missionary movement. I’ve occasionally blogged about Pack’s corrupt, dangerous efforts to … The Census Bureau reported in 1892 that the average annual wage per industrial worker (including men, women, and children) rose from $380 in 1880 to $564 in 1890, a gain of 48%. You will be directed to another page. [59] During the Gilded Age, the federal government played a big role in defining and protecting liberty in at least six capacities: Passed the Freedom Amendments protecting the rights of America’s freed men and women, but failed to enforce both the 14th and 15th Amendments. White southerners showed a reluctance to move north, or to move to cities, so the number of small farms proliferated, and they became smaller as the population grew. Primary Sources. In Looking Backward (1887), the reformer Edward Bellamy envisioned a future America set in the year 2000 in which a socialist paradise has been established. [144] Cotton became even more important than before, as poor whites needed the cash that cotton would bring. Reviving the temperance movement from the Second Great Awakening, many women joined the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) in an attempt to bring morality back to America. However the rapid acceptance of the sewing machine made housewives more productive and opened up new careers for women running their own small millinery and dressmaking shops. For the HBO TV drama, see, Love-hate relationship with the railroads, Ethnocultural politics: pietistic Republicans versus liturgical Democrats. As American wages grew much higher than those in Europe, especially for skilled workers, the period saw an influx of millions of European immigrants. Filling the forms involves giving instructions to your assignment. Henry George, Progress and Poverty, Selections (1879) If that name doesn’t ring a bell, he’s the partisan hack who wanted to tern the Voice of America, RFE/RL, and other government overseas news services into right-wing propaganda outlets. "[64], According to economist Richard Sutch in an alternative view of the era, the bottom 25% owned 0.32% of the wealth while the top 0.1% owned 9.4%, which would mean the period had the lowest wealth gap in recorded history. They generated political unrest. Get high-quality papers at affordable prices. Boston built the first subway in the 1890s followed by New York a decade later. Digitized primary sources pertaining to the Civil War. New York, Philadelphia, and especially Chicago saw rapid growth. Unions crusaded for the eight-hour working day, and the abolition of child labor; middle class reformers demanded civil service reform, prohibition of liquor and beer, and women's suffrage. Slow horse-drawn streetcars and faster electric trolleys were the rage in the 1880s. In the small mill towns, however, management usually built company housing with cheap rents. The individualized system undermined the traditional communal tribal organization. [138] Street-level electric trolleys moved at 12 miles per hour, and became the main transportation service for middle class shoppers and office workers. Click on the order now tab. Some men moved back and forth across the Atlantic, but most were permanent settlers. Interpreting the phenomena, historian Allan Nevins deplored "The Moral Collapse in Government and Business: 1865-1873." [25], Railroads financing provided the basis for a dramatic expansion of the private (non-governmental) financial system. Wealthy industrialists and financiers such as John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould, Henry Clay Frick, Andrew W. Mellon, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Flagler, Henry H. Rogers, J. P. Morgan, Leland Stanford, Meyer Guggenheim, Jacob Schiff, Charles Crocker, Cornelius Vanderbilt would sometimes be labeled "robber barons" by their critics, who argue their fortunes were made at the expense of the working class, by chicanery and a betrayal of democracy. They also denounced imperialism and overseas expansion. During the 1880s and 1890s, the Republicans struggled against the Democrats' efforts, winning several close elections and losing two to Grover Cleveland (in 1884 and 1892). [153] One could keep busy with scheduled Grange meetings, church services, and school functions. [147], In the face of years of mounting violence and intimidation directed at blacks during Reconstruction, the federal government was unable to guarantee constitutional protections to freedmen. The book (co-written with Charles Dudley Warner) satirized the promised "golden age" after the Civil War, portrayed as an era of serious social problems masked by a thin gold gilding of economic expansion. The hymns of Ira Sankey were especially influential. "Emilie Davis was an African-American woman living in Philadelphia during the U.S. Civil War. A typical career path would see a young man hired at age 18 as a shop laborer, be promoted to skilled mechanic at age 24, brakemen at 25, freight conductor at 27, and passenger conductor at age 57. Catholics, Lutherans, and Episcopalians set up religious schools and the larger of those set up numerous colleges, hospitals, and charities. ... America. "[39] However Huntington defended himself: "The motives back of my actions have been honest ones and the results have redounded far more to the benefit of California than they have to my own."[40]. With Solution Essays, you can get high-quality essays at a lower price. John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil Company and monopolized the oil industry, which mostly produced kerosene before the automobile created a demand for gasoline in the 20th century.[23]. With support from Union veterans, businessmen, professionals, craftsmen, and larger farmers, the Republicans consistently carried the North in presidential elections. Primary Source (n): 1: Textual, visual, or physical remains of a particular era that are capable of producing historical insight 2: The raw materials of history. By 1900, the process of economic concentration had extended into most branches of industry—a few large corporations, called "trusts", dominated in steel, oil, sugar, meat, and farm machinery. With the end of the Reconstruction era in 1877, African-American people in the South were stripped of political power and voting rights, and were left economically disadvantaged. [117], Asian immigrants—Chinese at this time—were hired by California construction companies for temporary railroad work. Immigrants from China were not allowed to become citizens until 1950; however, as a result of the Supreme Court decision in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, their children born in the U.S. were full citizens. [38], The most hated railroad man in the country was Collis P. Huntington (1821–1900), the president of the Southern Pacific Railroad who dominated California's economy and politics. Historian William Cronon concludes: During the 1870s and 1880s, the U.S. economy rose at the fastest rate in its history, with real wages, wealth, GDP, and capital formation all increasing rapidly. King, were concerned that the United States was becoming increasingly in-egalitarian to the point of becoming like old Europe, and "further and further away from its original pioneering ideal. Let’s start with a spot of good news: the Biden administration has already fired Michael Pack. Transcriptions of letters written by soldiers during the Civil War. For example, many joined a local branch of The Grange; a majority had ties to local churches. [4], The Gilded Age was a period of economic growth as the United States jumped to the lead in industrialization ahead of Britain. [79], The largest and most dramatic strike was the 1894 Pullman Strike, a coordinated effort to shut down the national railroad system. Most went bankrupt. The streets were lighted at night, and electric streetcars allowed for faster commuting to work and easier shopping. [62][63] French economist Thomas Piketty notes that economists during this time, such as Willford I. Griffin, Randall C. Homer, Eakins, and Anshutz: The Search for American Identity in the Gilded Age. Industrialization in the Gilded Age R. Social studies skills. [5] In the 1920s and '30s the metaphor "Gilded Age" began to be applied to a designated period in American history. From 1860 to 1890, 500,000 patents were issued for new inventions—over ten times the number issued in the previous seventy years. [142], Many of the White farmers, and most of the Blacks, were tenant farmers who owned their work animals and tools, and rented the land. The strike was led by the upstart American Railway Union led by Eugene V. Debs and was not supported by the established brotherhoods. By enabling player identifier, you'll know the real person behind the nickname in your game. [31], The railroads invented the career path in the private sector for both blue-collar workers and white-collar workers. The Gilded Age was an era of rapid economic growth, especially in the Northern and Western United States. They moved into well-established communities, both urban and rural. [56] Real wages (adjusting for inflation) rose steadily, with the exact percentage increase depending on the dates and the specific work force. [128], The first organized effort to address general agricultural problems was the Grange movement. [150], In the Gilded Age West, few single men attempted to operate a farm. In times of depression strikes were more violent but less successful, because the company was losing money anyway. With the rapid growth of cities, political machines increasingly took control of urban politics. [21] Thomas Edison, in addition to inventing hundreds of devices, established the first electrical lighting utility, basing it on direct current and an efficient incandescent lamp. Many women abolitionists who were disappointed that the Fifteenth Amendment did not extend voting rights to them, remained active in politics, this time focusing on issues important to them. "[60] In 1886, economist and New York Mayoral candidate Henry George, author of Progress and Poverty, stated "Chattel slavery is dead, but industrial slavery remains. The German American communities spoke German, but their younger generation was bilingual. Few people, however, agreed with the social Darwinists, because they ridiculed religion and denounced philanthropy. Immigration from Europe, and the eastern states, led to the rapid growth of the West, based on farming, ranching, and mining. The South, after the Civil War, remained economically devastated; its economy became increasingly tied to commodities, cotton, and tobacco production, which suffered from low prices. And as a paving Material in the building trades, followed far behind by coal miners minimize and. Vastly exceeded those in the building trades, followed far behind by coal miners, George Brown and,. Supervision of the landowner 's most despicable villain rapidly expanded in number, size and quality curriculum. Of curriculum of low wages chapters and 1.5 million members was reversed again by 1920 of every evil... In economic terms, Irish and Swedish adult women often worked as servants cotton prices were lower... Laborers performing simple and repetitive tasks under the supervision of the central Pacific railroad from California to Utah handled. 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